Welcome to the Elf Garden. A world of imagination and inspiration in the heart of Carinthia’s Nock Mountains.
The Elf Garden is a place dedicated to all those who have followed their desire to find natural power and energy in the Nock Mountains. It encourages you to stop and linger every day and opens up inspiring oases and sources of energy to you, also known as chakras. Chakras are energy centres that exist in both humans and space, between heaven and earth. Their aim is to promote the flow of life energy and to release blockages.
Vertrauen Sie auf die Kraft der Chakren
The man-made Elf Garden harmonizes perfectly with the surrounding biosphere reserve of the Nock Mountains. Just like the elves, who are said to have magical powers and, according to legend, bring people closer to nature, the Elf Garden blends in seamlessly with the holistic philosophy of the Ronacher.
Trust in the power of the chakras
In our Garden of Eden, you can find enchanting elf statues, each of them referring to a particular chakra place in the garden.
Chakras are energy centres in the human body that play a significant role in various spiritual teachings. Special chakra places – or power places – in the garden help us release inner blockages and allow the energy to flow freely again. This requires mindfulness and dedication.
The 7 chakras in the Ronacher Elf Garden
Our Elf Garden embraces the concept of the 7 main chakras as is known in many spiritual teachings, including Hinduism and the yoga tradition. Each of these chakras is anchored in a specific part of the body and is key to different areas of our lives.
Here is an overview of the 7 basic chakras that you can best experience in our garden:
- Root or base chakra: Symbolises joie de vivre and basic trust.
- Sacral or sexual chakra: Embodies the mental and physical power of love.
- Navel chakra (solar plexus): Represents thoughts and willpower.
- Heart chakra: Promotes the energy of devotion and love for oneself and others.
- Throat chakra: Holds the power of life and higher truth.
- Brow chakra or third eye: Expression of the inner soul.
- Crown chakra: Symbolises pure being.
Hier ist eine Übersicht der 7 Hauptchakren, die Sie am besten in unserem Garten erleben können:
- Wurzel- oder Basischakra: Symbolisiert Lebensfreude und Urvertrauen.
- Sakral- oder Sexualchakra: Verkörpert die seelische und körperliche Kraft der Liebe.
- Nabelchakra (Solar-Plexus): Steht für Gedanken und Willenskraft.
- Herzchakra: Fördert die Energie der Hingabe und Liebe zu sich selbst und anderen.
- Hals- oder Kehlchakra: Trägt die Kraft des Lebens und der höheren Wahrheit.
- Stirnschakra oder Drittes Auge: Ausdruck der inneren Seele.
- Kronen- oder Scheitelchakra: Symbolisiert das reine Sein.