Pure relaxation on holiday

with soothing massages

Holiday is a time to relax, indulge in wellness, and promote your health to the max. Our massages not only offer soothing care for your body together with a wonderful skin feeling, but also allow you to leave everyday life and stress behind. Give yourself the time to fully relax, release tension and blockages, and to recharge your batteries. Please note: Not every massage is the same! It is important to us that our guests only entrust themselves to the hands of experienced professionals. An outstandingly trained team, years of practical experience, and the ability to empathize with people’s needs – that‘s what sets our first-class masseurs apart from others.

Classic partial body massages

Recommended for tense back and shoulder muscles, preferably in combination with a natural mud pack.

Price: € 56.– for 25 min.

Classic full body massage

Relieves muscle tension, improves blood circulation, and leads to deep relaxation.

Price: € 89.– for 50 min. | Full Body Special: € 132.– for 75 min.


Activating the reflex points on the sole and back of the foot stimulates the self-healing powers of the organs. This technique relaxes all organs and muscles, improves blood circulation and lymphatic system, and boosts the immune system.

Price: € 69.– for 25 min.

Combi massage

A back massage is combined with a reflexology foot massage.

Price: € 92.– for 50 min.

Lymphatic drainage

This gentle massage technique stimulates lymphatic circulation, decongests, and gently drains the body.

Price: € 59.– for 25 min. | € 89.– for 50 min.

Aromatherapy oil massage

An essential oil balm gently massaged in invigorates and harmonizes body, mind, and soul while creating an intense feeling of relaxation.

Price: € 92.– for 50 min.

Experience the Original Royal Thai Massage in Carinthia

This unique experience is possible thanks to our connections to the Thai royal family. Simone Ronacher maintains excellent contacts with the royal family which has resulted in a long-standing partnership. Our Thai masseurs were trained in the best massage schools.

The special features of Thai massage at Das Ronacher

Thai massage has been practised for centuries and is based on the stretching positions and movements of yoga. Our masseurs not only use the ball of the thumb and the thumb itself, but also their knees, elbows, and feet to stimulate energy lines and release tension through dynamic movements. This massage, which is carried out without oil, takes place on a mat on the floor and offers holistic relaxation for body and soul.


Die Thai Massage kann helfen bei:

Thai massage can have a soothing effect on various ailments:


– Muscle tension

– Backache, neck & shoulder problems

– Headaches & migraines

– Stress and resulting sleep & digestive problems


Price: € 102.– for 50 min. | € 132.– for 75 min.

Original Thai Foot Massage

This massage loosens foot and calf muscles with gentle stroking movements, stretches, and acupressure. Fragrant oil complements the pampering programme improving blood circulation, relieving tired legs, stimulating the lymphatic flow, and boosting the immune system.


Price: € 98.– for 50 min.

Healing Ayurveda meets mindful yoga

From EUR 817.- per person

Discover the art of relaxation and wellbeing at the Ronacher SPA Hotel in Carinthia.

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  • Specialised massages
  • Energy massages
  • Ayurveda Massagen

Shirodhara – oil forehead pouring

Enjoy heavenly deep relaxation! A welltempered jet of oil is evenly guided over the forehead.
Pouring oil over the forehead facilitates unique deep relaxation and cleansing for body, mind and soul. It has a particularly stress-reducing effect, thus helping you to achieve inner harmony, contentment and joie de vivre.

45 Min.

Mukabhyanga – ayurvedic facial massage

A beauty lift using the energy of the hands. A wonderfully relaxing facial massage with fragrant, nourishing organic oils awaits you. The gentle stimulation of the energy points and the soothing stroking movements have a stress-reducing effect while lifting the mood at the same time. Good blood circulation makes the skin glow. As a result, the face appears softer and younger.

25 Min.

Nabhi Marma – ayurvedic abdominal massage

This massage relaxes, promotes healthy sleep and takes us to the innermost roots of our being. It provides deep relaxation and establishes a connection to our cognitive memory. Employing gentle touches, it releases subtle energy blockages. The immune system and internal organs, especially the digestive organs, are thus strengthened and brought into balance.
TIP: Great in combination with the Shirobhyanga massage.

45 Min.

Shirobhyanga – ayurvedic head-, neck- and shoulder massage

Enjoy a vitalising head, shoulder and neck massage with all your senses. Gently touching the energy points has a harmonising and activating effect on the internal organs and eliminates mental and emotional distress. This massage has a calming effect on the nervous system
while invigorating the senses, i.e. it enhances the senses of smell, vision and hearing.

45 Min.

Padabhyanga – ayurvedic foot massage

Beautiful feet for a lifetime! In Ayurveda, great attention is paid to the feet. They carry us through life and deserve loving treatment. This massage has a particularly positive effect on all organs by stimulating the energy points. It promotes subtle energy flow and has a stress-reducing, sleep-promoting and mood-lifting effect. Massaging the legs, including the knees, provides relief and keeps tendons and joints supple.

45 Min.

Prishta Abhyanga – ayurvedic back massage

This massage relaxes the entire back muscles in a special way. Here, the warm oil selected
for your skin type with its warming, circulation- promoting aromas achieves its full effect. After this treatment, not only the back will feel lighter and liberated, but the entire person.

45 Min.

Garshan massage – silk glove massage

The special massage for dry and sensitive skin! Well-groomed Indian women already knew it thousands of years ago: Ayurvedic Garshan massage helps to achieve healthy and youthful skin. This dry massage with raw silk gloves vividly stimulates the metabolism and blood circulation and gives the skin suppleness as well as a radiant appearance thanks to its exfoliating effect.

45 Min.

Udvartana massage – ayurvedic exfoliation

A skin like velvet and silk! For this fullbody massage, special herbal powders and oils to suit your skin type are processed into a paste and massaged into the skin. It has a tissuereducing
effect. Udvartana is an excellent, very nourishing full-body peeling that lifts, stimulates and detoxifies the connective tissue. Particularly recommended for Kapha constitutions and problem areas, e.g. cellulite.

45 Min.

Classic Abhyanga – full body oil massage

Experience yourself in a new way and look radiant! The classic Abhyanga is the queen of Ayurvedic massages. This holistic treatment is balmfor body, mind and soul. It has a rejuvenating, regenerating and harmonizing effect. The warm, personalised oil as well as the flowing movements and gentle strokes impart a sense of inner warmth.

75 Min.

Oxygen spray facial

Concentrated oxygen is finely nebulized with active ingredients and introduced at high pressure into deep layers of the dermis (skin). The refreshing and invigorating oxygen treatment has a plumping effect and reduces wrinkles by up to 70%. Feel the instant effect of this booster!

55 Min. | 110 Min.

Abhyanga Shirodhara Kombi

TIPP: Diese Kombination aus ABHYANGA gefolgt von SHIRODARA ist besonders empfehlenswert.

120 min

Combined Abhyanga & Shirodhara

TIP: Have an Abhyanga treatment first. Shirodhara is a follow-on treatment.

120 min